Thursday, July 25, 2013


Hi folksies, Haven't shown somethin' in a while. I have been typing a story with my freind. You might never get access to it... but its called Frost and Storm. It is about two very important wolf pups, one named Storm, and the other Frost. They go on giving names to things before two owls show them their way in the world. One named, Uythsx. He is a barn owl. And the other named Lyandiar, she is a barred owl.
Have fun people!!!!! Don't die!
Here is the picture of Frost:

And here is a picture of a likeness of Storm:

Here is Uythsx and Lyandiar:

Sunday, July 14, 2013

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Drawings I drew.... NO COPYING

Don't let the darkness consume my soul and trap my fire

This one feature a Clawwing. a dragon type I made.

Moody and Trescender and the sun's fire
This one features a black diamond dragon and a golden dragon